Mr. Fox's Social Studies Lover's Page

Home | Mounds Lake Reservoir | AHS Economics | Various Forms for Econ Lovers... | NEW! 9/11 Econ Lovers Oral History Research | AHS Geography & History of the World | Student-run eBay company | About Michael Fox | Mallard Lake Landfill | Anderson's New Economy | Magnet Project | Anderson Packers Heritage | Highland Junior High Projects | Spring Break Bonus Learning Trips 2012

Mr. Michael Fox welcomes you to this site based at Anderson Community Schools in Indiana.  The main focus of this site is to highlight the great Social Studies education on which my students and I have be recently worked together.
* Anderson's New Economy
* Anderson Packer Basketball
* Magnet Project
* Student Run eBay company
* Highland Junior High Projects
* Anderson High Sch. Projects

Contact Information:

Mike Fox
3055 Glenview Ct.
Anderson, IN 46012
Telephone: 765.206.5330