Please take a trip through some of our recent learning opportunities...
Mr. Richardson, Mr. Fox's Student Teacher, takes our Social Studies Lovers on a Skype (Internet video) visit
to Germany. We had the opportunity to speak live in a two way conversation with a Ball State graduate teacher working
at a U.S. Air Base in western Germany.
Our students will be entering a world of technologically related work. We are working to assure they
see the entrepreneurial possibilites of this new workplace.
A Found Goodbye to Mr. Richardson...a super Student Teacher.
Period 1 - The Make Fun of Mr. Richardson Every Morning Crew
Per 2 - Sleeping Beauty and 7 Dwarfs
Period 3 - Small, Powerful, with a Dash of Sass
Period 5 - "The Fab Five"
Period 6 - Your Gonna Need a 5 Hour Energy for These Guys.
Period 7 - The Talking Heads