Students in Mr. Fox's U.S. History classes learned the history of the American West directly from "Cowboy
Mr. Massoud at HJHS to teach about Egypt
Mr. Massoud visits Highland to educate students on his Eygptian culture and the Middle East. Note- He
was gracious to write each student's name on the board in Arabic.
Period 7 "Social Studies Lovers" thank Mr. Massoud for spending the entire day with our Highlanders.
Mr. Massoud discusses Egyptian families, foods, sports, religion, fashion, family structure, dating and marraige traditions,
and much more with Period 1. (Note- Mr. Fox's Student Teacher, Ms. Massoud, is showing that great personality of
she often does.
Mr. Fox thanks Mr. Massoud for all of the knowledge and insight Massoud gave him. Remember, Confucius
said, "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."
Emily Wasonga Visits Mr. Fox's Social Studies Classes
Ms. Wasonga is a graduate of Highland, a graduate of Anderson University, an agent of positive social
change, and an entrepreneur.
Recently she shared with students her life stories of growing up Kenya and Botswana...and then making
the cultural leap of being a young U.S. student.
Ms. Wasonga is owner of the "Love's Hangover" shop in downtown Noblesville, Indiana. (
Ms. Wasonga discusses her experiences throughout East Africa
Ms. Wasonga and Mr. Fox enjoy catching up on old times at Highland.
Period 2 Social Studies Lovers
Period 5 Social Studies Lovers
Period 7 Social Studies Lovers
Ms. Wasonga discusses the origins and symbolism behind African jewelry with Highlander.
Ms. Wasonga's career in African jewelry while working to help people in Africa continues to move forward!
Veteran's Day at HJHS
As we recognized Veteran's Day at Highland...a patriotic student proudly brought in a
Purple Heart earned by her uncle.
Highland Students Increase Understanding of Developing World
Highland Junior High School World Cultures students gain understanding and empathy for the 50% of the
world that does not have access to clean water.
Mr. Fox's Social Studies Lovers participate in Black History Contest
Here are the winners in Mr. Fox's classes for the Indiana Historical Society's Black History Challange.
Each of these "Social Studies Lovers" won tickets for four to the Indiana Historical Society's Indiana Experience
display, a coupon from Donatos Pizza, and a chance to win the Grand Prize.
Per. 1 Jenna Kelly
Per. 2 Anna Maria Caballero
Quentin Ellis
Hayden Fleming
Danial Kohles
Brandy Mudd
Per. 4 Lacie Austin
Tamara Fuller
Bryant Swinford
Per. 5 Adrian Wilbur
Per. 6 Joseph Kube
Lyric Manis
Alijah Norris
Per. 7 Joseph Rushton
Cydney Slaven
Joey Kube qualified in the Black History contest at a higher level, winning four box seats to Indianapolis
Indiana baseball game.